Glen Arnold“We have to give a lot of thought to how manure is applied,” said Glen Arnold, with Ohio State University Extension. “Our product is very visible.”
In agriculture, we have seen tremendous advancements in the use of technology. During his presentation at the UW-Discovery Farm’s “Soil, Water, and Big Data Field Day,” Brian Luck reminded...
“We still have a lot to learn, but I don’t think there can ever be too much data,” commented Chaney’s Dairy Farm’s Dore Baker at the recent Precision Dairy Conference in Lexington,...
In the April 3 Hoard’s Dairyman Intel article, “Author says we’re addicted to dairy crack,” you cite a book by Dr. Neal Barnard of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine...
Transferring a dairy farm to the next generation can be complicated. No one wants to make it difficult; however, there are a lot of assets on the balance sheet. Terms and agreements in writing m
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) just celebrated its 23rd birthday. NAFTA is a three-country trade accord negotiated between the North American countries that include Canada, Mexi
With all the exciting advances in forage and field crops, including reduced-lignin alfalfa, drought-resistant corn hybrids, and shredlage, agricultural lime seems like a boring topic
Every sale I attend is unique. Some include Jerseys, some may be selling Holsteins, some sales have music, and sometimes there are carnival rides. Yes, carnival rides were a part of the festivities
There have been a number of people in my lifetime who have exemplified character qualities that influenced me to strive to do my best in whatever pathway I chose. The added bonus I received from
That was a question I posed to Taco Bell’s Food and Beverage Innovation Team on a visit to its Irvine, Calif., corporate headquarters in mid September. “When we traditionally looked at the...
“Inflammation around calving: What does it mean and how should we approach it?”by Barry Bradford, Kansas StateBrought to you by Virtus Nutrition (
It's November in Georgia and we're starting to prepare for winter . . . even though it's still 80°F outside. Winter in Georgia is a lot different than other parts of the country